A short story 

It’s #WorldMalariaDay2021 

Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It is preventable and curable.

But, let’s all be educated on this

A thread
Malaria thrives in the warm, wet, and humid temperatures found in many tropical and subtropical countries. In these types of conditions, the mosquitos that carry malaria can survive and multiply
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is in existence today because of malaria. It began in 1946 as The Communicable Disease Center, and its primary purpose was controlling and eliminating malaria in USA. At that time, the south still had a huge malaria problem
Ancient Egyptian suggests d dx dated back as 1550BC.D Greek poet Homer mentioned a dx similar to malaria in The Iliad. Even Hippocrates wrote abt malaria-like fevers in 400BC. In 1880,French-army doc Alphonse Lavaren was d first 2 discover d parasite in d bld of malaria pts
Malaria is a combination of two Italian words, “mal” and “aria,” which together means “bad air.”
Before it was discovered that mosquitos transmitted the disease, pple thought the culprit was the bad air near marshes and swamps. That’s why the disease was first called marsh fever
This is one of the more complicated facts about malaria you need to know. Five species of malaria exist. The most deadly is Plasmodium falciparum. This family member is found worldwide in tropical and subtropical areas. Others are P. vivax , P. ovale, P. Malariae, & P. knowlesi
Every April 25 is #WorldMalariaDay when the world focuses on the devastating effects of malaria and the advances made to defeat the disease. Hence I’m enlightening us about malaria today..
Only female Anopheles mosquitos transmit malaria. These nasty mommas need blood to nurture their eggs. No wonder they gravitate towards humans. #WorldMalariaDay2021
Like vampires, most malaria-spreading mosquitos prefer to feed at night. And some even prefer feeding indoors rather than outdoors. #WorldMalariaDay2021
One of the most crucial facts about malaria you should know is that shady people are selling “fake” anti-malaria drugs.
These counterfeit drugs either are ineffective or don’t have any malaria-fighting properties at all.
Malaria was devastating and deadly, even during wartime. 
Malaria even found its way into Operation Restore Hope and the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. It’s still a war in sub Saharan Africa region like Nigeria #WorldMalariaDay2021
In Nigeria it can affect anyone irrespective of your social class. Including @MBuhari Likewise, other world leaders and celebrities #WorldMalariaDay2021
Malaria doesn’t respect your religious belief or group #WorldMalariaDay2021
Do I need to repeat this again... it’s a global issue till date especially in Nigeria.. #WorldMalariaDay2021
There’s actually a thing called “airport malaria” where a malaria-carrying mosquito hitches a ride on an airplane & travels from one country to another.
D infected mosquito usually comes 4m a country where malaria is prevalent. Take ur shot if this affects u #WorldMalariaDay2021
According to @WHO , •In 2019, there were an estimated 229 million cases of malaria worldwide. The estimated number of malaria deaths stood at 409 000 in 2019. #WorldMalariaDay2021
Malaria kills almost half a million people yearly. A staggering 93 percent of these deaths happen in sub-Saharan Africa. And most of them are children. In fact,malaria is one of the deadliest diseases for children under 5years of age there. Every 2mins, a child dies 4m Malaria
The malaria parasite is constantly evolving, so it can evade a person’s immune system. Even malaria-carrying mosquitos can become immune to the pesticides used to control and kill it. #WorldMalariaDay2021
Use of mosquito nets, clear bushy areas, ensure no collection of water in ponds, eat right, sleep adequately , exercise among others #WorldMalariaDay2021
So, make sure you visit your health provider, do a blood test and take the prescribed medication... Be smarter than Malaria #WorldMalariaDay2021
Yes, Malaria can be treated and cured . And more, Malaria is NOT typhoid. Don’t be unfortunate and confuse both. Do the needful and stay safe #WorldMalariaDay2021 .

End of story.

Be kind to RETWEET to save a life today .

Yours in health & wellness
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