
Slut shamed Samantha AFTER being Big’s side chick & breaking up his marriage

Harassed Charlotte into pawning her engagement ring so she could have a down payment on her apartment after Aiden tried to evict her for being a f’girl

Note: Carrie did NOT try to pawn/consign any of her $40,000 worth of shoes/clothes
Note 2: Carrie did not try to harass Miranda or Samantha into giving her the downpayment money because she knew not to even try it
Instead of being happy Aiden proposed to her so they could start a life together, whined and moaned about the ugliness (!) of the ring. #yellowgold #thehorror
Note: if she had pawned AIDEN’s ring she could’ve had the down payment money for the apartment (esp when he said she could keep the ring). But I guess she figured if she couldn’t have a ring. Charlotte shouldn’t have hers either.
Then she had the nerve to “feel bad” and dump her bad feelings on Natasha so she could feel better about breaking up Natasha’s marriage. Pretty sure Natasha is the one who dumped Big, not the other way around.
Big wasn’t trying to parade Carrie on his arm, she was just there. That’s why he wanted a very low key wedding and was embarrassed about getting married to Carrie.
Carrie was a bad bad piece of trash and this is just a smidgen of how trash she was.
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