Someone asked me recently what I would replace “leftist” streamers with. Let's be real here, “leftist” streamers are not the linchpin of revolution. We'll survive without them.

But I do want to constructively unpack the role of responsible, liberatory propaganda.

As that corner of “lefttube” implodes, I hope folks realize the need for serious standards when it comes to online propaganda.

We need to be far warier of those whose investment in the cause has operated wholly within the realm of building their brands & stroking their egos.
Who devote themselves to the altar of themselves.

Who cannot listen to marginalized voices because their fragile whiteness shields them from critique.

I mean, the bar is literally in hell right now, as their fans continue to “valiantly” defend blatant bigotry.
We cannot settle for any old “comrade” in a gaming chair, left of Biden*, who purports to be an ally and focuses wholly on reactionaries, electoralism, and online drama. It’s counterproductive.
These people have consistently centred themselves, their voices, and their perspectives. They have made the contents of their character blatantly clear, again and again.

I do not believe they should be allowed to maintain their platforms.
Listen, propaganda is important. Propaganda is everywhere. I don't think that's a particularly hot take. But we do need to hold propaganda, and propagandists, to a higher standard. Otherwise, we'll fail to avoid the same pitfalls.
It’s important to understand the purpose of propaganda in the context of the struggle.

I'm approaching this as a propagandist & advocate for Black+Indigenous liberation, abolition, social ecology, & anarchism.

So I don't have anything to say to socdem creators except...don't?
The primary role of our propaganda is twofold: Combating narratives + Offering alternatives. These should not be separated.
There must be a vocal resistance to the prevailing ideology, which is currently wrapped in capitalist & statist realism, imperialism, white supremacy, patriarchy, etc. But that resistance must be combined with the advocacy of alternatives and grounded in material action.
Propaganda should be primarily geared towards encouraging initiative and solidarity. When we speak out against these systems, we need to be offering a way out and showing people that they have the capacity to create change themselves.
Emphasize the potency of the people, & lessen the reliance on “vanguards” & “personalities” that often fall into disengaged navel-gazing, petty drama, factionalism, cult of personality, & elitism.

Creating a “culture of initiative + solidarity” is core to prefigurative politics.
So now let’s talk about what I think a good propagandist looks like, starting with the basics: a firm stance against capitalism, the state, patriarchy, and white supremacy. Bare minimum.
Propaganda should be primarily in the hands of marginalized groups, those most impacted by the intersections of oppression. Propagandists who are privileged in one way or another by the system (white/male/cis/straight/abled) should work to uplift those voices.
Propagandists should also decenter themselves as much as possible. They should be vigilant of egocentrism, opportunism, cooptation, and subversion. They should be working to push people further along, rather than attempting to limit or restrain their radicalization.
They should be aware of the nigh inevitability of commodification and parasociality, and should navigate that responsibly. Stay humble + stay embedded in a community.
Actual propaganda should be grounded in praxis. Even when educational, it should feed into tangible transformation. It should be energizing, not discouraging or immobilizing. It should be pushing people to be proactive in prefiguring the future in the here & now.
And, I mean, that’s about it.

Them’s my thoughts for now.

Also, y’all really need to start just blocking + muting these mfers. I already have. I don’t want to hear about them or talk about them anymore. They thrive off this shit.
You can follow @_saintdrew.
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