Corporations don't allow movies like this to be made anymore because movies like this are honest about corporations...
Cold, apathetic, and ultimately about the disdain for organic life itself, Alien isn't a movie just about xenomorphs murking a bunch of oil-rig workers in space—it's a film about the value (or rather lack thereof) of total human will and tribal determination;
Many modernites and bugmen review (and falsely) that Alien is about motherhood, xenophobia, diversity, etc. These are tenets, not an underlying philosophy of the plot. Alien paints asexuality, multiculturalism, and modernity in a dark and negative tone, in fact.
The vibe you get from the Nostromo is anything you've heard in a kitchen, behind the wire of a FOB, or in a 7-11 parking lot; blue collar banter. There is this distanced friendliness only bound by the talk of "shares" and constantly referring to home. The Nostromo isn't a rainbow
coalition of Nationless Earth Humans™️ like every other sci-fi. It's a random set of miserable, corporate jockeys who are out there for money and because (implied) back home, it probably ain't better. The diversity is forced and you can feel it. There's no romanticism amongst
the crew at all. Not a bug but a feature. The women act masculine precisely because the Company™️ and its infinite bureaucracy and procedures dictates they are purely there to press buttons, bring back cargo, and even expend their lives if needed. Men and women are just tools.
Pure space egalitarianism. This is the diversity you want, commies? Being stuck with people unlike you, who you don't like, for a heartless corporation who plays God—insofar as to subject you to cruel and unusual punishment, as you are their science experiment? This is equality!
With brilliant cinematography, Ridley Scott even goes to remove all the light and plastic white walls—ripping off the veil of "humanity" to reveal the bones of the ship and story; white, black, man, woman, they're all just slabs of meat for the corporation...and to each other.
The frenzied crew is in a constant state of mutiny, unable to come to any consensus except pure self-centered survivalism. Ash's dialogue reflects this cold reality of the corporate-future by comparing humans to the alien, even to impl Weyland might replace humans with aliens
Birth itself is corrupted and diverted not to serve the interests of a man and woman, but the material interests of Weyland. The chest-burster is the birth of an organic machine of total utility and industrial perfection on a ship that looks like an urban skyline...aka modernity
Alien is the not the being but the void. It is industry. It is the antithesis to self-determined human life. It is finding extraterrestrial beings, only to discover they are as nihilistic and inhuman as our machine gods. Alien is a warning as much a prediction.
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