I've been trying to comprehend and pin-point exactly why I love Wonder Egg Priority so much and why the flaws everyone keeps pointing out haven't really bothered my watching experience or my opinion of the show.

This is going to be spoiler free.
So I guess we should start with the criticism, which by the way, is entirely valid and I have no plan to debate in this thread:

WEP's ending felt overly complicated, non-sensical and full of plot holes for many people.
There are simply not enough episodes to cover what they were going for. I highly doubt that the episode coming on June 29th would fix all of that. However, I simply don't mind.

While I would generally dislike this for most other shows, when it comes to WEP, I don't really mind.
WEP touches on a plethora of themes, all heavily related to traumas of different kinds. It's also surrounded by symbolism. Each episode tackled a topic. None of them really did much of anything in terms of making the story progress, but it did one thing very clearly and well.
As I was watching the show, I was simply entranced in it. From the beautiful visuals, the characters being so lovable and the themes so hard hitting, to the sheer masterful direction, I felt understood, and I wasn't alone.

WEP is simply a love letter, to victims.
Narratively, it empowers victims, gives them a voice, one many haven't found, or simply can't find. When I think of it like that, I genuinely find the show perfect, granted, on a purely subjective level, I'm aware...
Realizing this also helped me understand what else, other than the visuals and direction, reminded me of KyoAni. It's because I felt the same way while watching A Silent Voice. It felt like a kind whisper that came from a warm and loving place.

"We understand, stay strong."
I like to think of WEP as a semi-episodic show. It's honestly best watched that way for me. Each episode is its own entity with its own meaningful message. This way, the show becomes so uniquely beautiful that the conclusion doesn't matter anymore, it was all about the journey.
To finish this messy thread, I just want to really clarify that none of this is something I feel YOU should agree with. It's simply my interpretation.

As the saying goes, 'whatever helps you sleep at night'.
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