As a Christian who often compares different Bible Translations, I know what literal word for word translation look like, and they are not fun to read.

Of course I do demand more Literal form certain parts of The Bible then I do Degenerate cartoons because.....
....The Bible is taken very seriously by lots of people.

And really that is the only explanation for caring this much, these weirdos take random Japanese Fetish Cartoon as seriously as Evangelicals take The Bible.
But even among Fundamentalists being hyper Pedantic about their Bible translations, no one would ever consider a shortened form of THE EXACT SAME WORD carrying the exact same meaning inherently wrong. The KJV does exactly that plenty.
No, no one in 20 years is gonna be confused by what "Sus" means, the context makes it pretty intuitive, it's a shortening of Suspicious. When I heard "Sus" for the very first time I immediately deduced what it mean, and I'm not even smart.
Great, when I started this threat I didn't even see that #Nagatoror was trending.

In this thread I use The Bible to point why these complainers are Dumb.
And also my White Boomer Dad knows what a Scrub is.
#Nagatoro and #NagatoroSan, that's the Anime this thread is about.
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