Whatever content you consistently expose yourself too is the content that shapes your mind

Mind shapes behaviors

Behaviors shape reality

Content is not just on the outside

It's also daydreaming, introspection & reflection

Empower the mind & sharpen the blade daily
What is content exactly?

Think about it..


Try again.


Try again.


When you follow a twitter account, you are not just following an account

you are following that person's biases, thought patterns, attitudes etc

myself included
all content is like that

It's thoughts made in tangible form

Information technology just allows the thoughts to be crystalized and distributed
Mind shapes behavior

And behavior shapes reality

Think about those lines
Mind is a complex system.

'A complex what?'

A complex system.

Meaning multiple moving parts create a unified whole

The unifed whole is something larger than the individual parts, hopefully
One thing with the complex system to be aware of is the non linear effects

'You're using a lot of fancy words today.'

Let me simplify it
In a linear world: 1+1=2

In a non linear world: 1+1=?
The butterfly effect is a concept which implies that the flap of a butterfly's wings on one side of the world leads to a tornado on the other side of the world

Is this factually accurate?

Doesn't matter

Look for the lesson into nonlinear systems
In a complex system like the mind, SMALL inputs have collosal impacts

And the content inputted is just one of those small variables which mean more
It's hard for a mind that is primed with only linear thinking to interpret what i'm saying

They think:

'What's the big deal? I am just consuming whatever. I don't SEE a big deal.'

Emphasis on the word 'see.'
Linear thinkers predominatly think in terms of matter

They are predominantly body conscious

They need to physically see something in order to believe it

This is a foolish mistake born thru ignorance
You can't see most of the electromagnetic spectrum

Visible light is just a small sliver...

You can't see the voice

You can't see the mind

Yet, they are existent
The non linear thinker on the other hand thinks beyond matter alone

They think in terms of concepts.

Which is why they are more choosy with what they consume & which thoughts they entertain
It's a skillset though

Salacious content can be tearned into a learning lesson with the right eyes

A reality show can teach about human nature if that's the intent you assign the mind
Content is not just on the outside

The main one is in inside

Inside and outside both influence one another
Sharpening the blade daily is one of the key traits in the information age

The age which are creating more non linear thinkers before our eyes

The age where people are learning to see beyond physical matter alone
4 Steps to Guard the Mind

The mind is a smartphone

And the smartphone mirrors the mind

When you look at your smartphone, what is staring back?

That's a direct representation of you
Maintaining was the biggest illusion ever sold to people

It's either growing or corroding

Maintaining falls into the latter
Choose your content wisely

Which will allow you to choose your moves wisely

And the butterfly flaps from one side of the world will compound to greatness on the other side

For more practical mindset tips, follow ur boi @ArmaniTalks 🌎🚀
You can follow @ArmaniTalks.
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