tw // grooming , pedophilia

user @/narcissins known as “sin” groomed me when i was 17 and he was 22-23. we met in april 2020 on my birthday when i had barely turned 17 and after a few months we both developed feelings for each other but nothing was ever said or done besides +
cw // nsfw

a few flirty remarks. during december on the same day that lv crystal night happened we started having a “thing” or whatever he decided to consider it as from dec 2020-feb/march 2021. we were sexual and he would tell me he felt like a pedophile with me +
so i would tell him he’s not because i thought that since it’s legal for both of us that it makes it all okay. it does not. i also told him multiple times that if he wants to stop whatever we have then he can since he would always tell me how bad he felt to be with me which he +
told me that he doesn’t and wants to continue to be with me. at times i felt like it was bad only because he would tell me so and also guilt trip me multiple times into making me feel like i was in the wrong/making me feel bad for everything in general but i would
always try to tell myself since it’s legal it’s okay. it’s a 6 year age gap especially since i was 17 it was never okay. he also said he had to keep me a secret because if he told his friends or anyone knew they would think he’s a bad guy. not even his closest friends knew, no +
one did because i didn’t tell anyone as well as i was afraid he would become angry at me. he knew it was wrong but NEVER stopped it because he didn’t want to. he has since deactivated his accounts to run away from all of this. please take this seriously, i did not speak about +
it for months as i was not mentally or emotionally ready to do so even with my closest friends. i finally feel ready to speak about it as people deserve to know what he did.
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