pls open MY thread /srs
this didn’t happen awhile ago. this all went down as recently as around two months ago. this went on for almost two years. i know anna, more than a lot of people do. she lies. she lies about people to make them look bad. this thread is going to be me going into detail ab some-
- of the things that she did to me throughout our entire relationship.
TW before opening the rest of the thread!! suicide, abuse
i met anna, i’d say somewhere around october 2018. we weren’t close friends, but we had mutual friends at the time. in april 2019, we started talking more, both caught feelings, and started dating. everything was perfectly fine, until she started showing more of her true self to
me. she got jealous i was friends with this one girl, cece. cece and i had been best friends for almost four years before this. we would have sleepovers, hangout all the time, and do everything together. since me and anna were long distance, obviously she was jealous she couldn’t
do these things with me also. so, she would make me think all these terrible things about her. i dropped cece (under anna’s command) in august 2019. about a month and a half later, early october 2019, anna broke up with me, told me that she was happier without me. i was very
rightfully so, upset. we would get back together, break up, and get back together like every other day. until november 13th, when we got into a huge fight which ended like this
months went on where we didn’t talk. then came march 2020. anna. and i got in contact again, we started talking, and boom, we were back together in april 2020. we were perfectly fine, until once again, her olds ways started showing up. she started vaping, hanging out with
horrible people, and of course i was worried about her, rightfully so because i was literally her girlfriend. i NEVER got upset bc she “didn’t stop her addiction for me”, as she likes to say. i was upset with her because she would talk ab it and do it on ft and send me pictures
of it, even after i VERY OPENLY stated to her that i don’t like it because of personal things involving it and don’t want to be involved in it. she would act like a completely different person around one of her friends at the time, i won’t say her name but just know she was
a horrible, HORRIBLE human being. i would start cry by myself to sleep every night, because of the amount of fights anna had caused over absolutely nothing. skipping a few weeks, anna got her phone taken bc her parents found out ab the vaping. we wouldn’t talk much, since she
didn’t have a real way to speak to me other than her phone for like an hour a day. we drifted, things happened, and we broke up once again. i don’t want this thread to be any longer than it has to be, so i just want to now quickly sum up some of the things that realky have stuck
with me. when we broke up she sent me tons of messages, saying i didn’t deserve her, i didn’t deserve anyone, i have a horrible personality, she hates me, etc. i had been manipulated by this girl for far too long. you could literally ask any of my friends, especially my friends
such as ciara and alex. they know how much pain she had put me through. so yeah, that’s all i have to say. don’t listen to her, please. none of you know anna the way i know her.
almost forgot to mention, ab the suicide thing, she lied to ppl and told them i tried to hang myself in the shower(?), which literally never happened. also the only reason i brought it up on here was bc she brought it up on her tik tok, so if she can openly talk ab it so can i :)
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