If you know anyone who has was waiting to get a vax until it got easier, make sure they know: now is the time.

There are same-day appointments everywhere, many sites now accepting walk-ins, new sites coming on-line, and more.

Here's a quick run-down. 1/
Dozens of City-run vax sites are accepting walk-ins for anyone 16+. Here is the list of locations & hours: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/coronavirus/vaccines/covid-19-vaccines.page#walk-up-sites

Major state-run sites are accepting walk-ins for age 60+ (Javits, Yankee Stadium, Medgar, York etc). Here is full list: https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-16-mass-vaccination-sites-new-york-state-will-accommodate-walk
Same-day appointments are available at popular mass vax sites like Javits Center. Book here: …https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/ 

There are also 1000s of appts open at neighborhood sites all over the five boroughs. Book here: https://vax4nyc.nyc.gov/patient/s/ 
There are plenty of appointments open at American Museum of Natural History (under the whale!). They also accept walk-ins aged 18+. Open Fri–Tues, 8am–6pm.

And they will give a you a voucher for free museum admission for group of 4. All the details: https://www.amnh.org/covid-vaccination
Pharmacies are still by appointment only, but they have many same-day slots open. 100s of independent pharmacies offer vax now too. Many are listed here: https://vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/  5/
100s of private doctors and community health centers are now vaccinating. These are the places where many people feel most comfortable. Check with your doc/clinic to see if they offer. 6/
After a pause due to the J&J issues, in-home vaccination for people who are homebound has resumed in NYC. The program is coordinated by FDNY. They will also vaccinate other people aged 18+ in the household when they visit. Sign up here: https://forms.cityofnewyork.us/f/homebound 
As always, you don't need insurance to get a vax in NYC (and there is no cost), your immigration status does not matter, and ID is not required.

You do need to show that you live or work in NY, and that you're age 16+. Here is list of acceptable docs: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-vaccines.page#elgproof
Many of the people who need to know that getting a vax is much easier now are not online. So you can print out useful flyers here and give them out in your neighborhood: https://www.notion.so/NYC-Walk-Up-Vaccination-Locations-a92650e5082c49a2b3a864414a88c950
For months there was intense competition to get a covid vaccine in NYC. Now we have the opposite problem. We need to make sure every person in the city knows that is easier than ever to access this life-saving solution. 10/10
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