“Better Discourse” panel: Niko House doesn’t know diff bet equity & equality. The other panelists told him he’s agreeing w/ them, & they’re all RWers! 1 of the RWers even offered to make the leftist argument for him, since he’s not doing it. Go to 7:08:00:
And then again at 7:14:30, a right-winger on the panel tells Niko that he’s supposed to be providing the leftist arguments, but he’s NOT doing so, since he’s arguing the libertarian perspective. 🙄😂
At 7:16:00, Niko House says, “The blackness of Obama is currently under debate in the black community.”
No. Obama’s a corrupt corporatist neolib, of course. But he’s *definitely* a black man. He’s always been seen & treated as black in this racist society
7:23:00-7:26:00 Niko actually made a leftist argument! Finally!!! Thank you, Niko!!! More of that, please, if you want to keep saying you’re a leftist. Focus on *SOLUTIONS* that are desperately needed in our racist, classist, greedy, inequitable society.
At 7:29:45, Niko should point out that this is abt the *masses* of black ppl, NOT abt a small # of individual economic success stories of black ppl who managed to get rich under capitalism. Fact: Black ppl are disproportionately poor & *ALWAYS* HAVE BEEN.
It’s about funding. Our priority as a society needs to be about providing high-quality lifelong public education, meaning it must start with babies: childcare & then pre-K, and continuing on with tuition-free public college & trade schools available to ALL. Schools need FUNDING!
^^I’m not seeing Niko make this point. It’s about *raising taxes on the rich* and *funding* the necessary services, resources, support systems, and opportunities so that even the most economically disadvantaged & historically marginalized/oppressed communities have OPPORTUNITIES!
At 7:39:20 Niko says he’s PRO-CHARTER SCHOOLS; he makes a right-wing, anti-public schools argument. He was right that public schools shouldn’t be funded by property taxes, but he doesn’t say that public schools NEED MUCH HIGHER PUBLIC FUNDING, EQUITABLY!!!
At 7:39:45, a guy on the panel w/ Niko House explains that Niko has not been making any leftist arguments for policy solutions. He even says: “I’m waiting to disagree with Niko about something, but it’s not happening. And I’m a right-wing conservative.”
7:45:45 A guy on the panel who previously called himself a RW conservative says Niko’s “just a libertarian”, based on the views Niko’s espousing on this panel, in terms of his goals for society. Clearly Niko hasn’t argued for any leftist solutions at all.
7:47:16 Savannah Hernandez, who’s been featured on OAN, Fox News, & InfoWars says to Niko House: “Every time we try to argue w/ you, you just come back around & agree with us.” (“We” = right-wing conservatives, which they all are.) #NikoHouseIsARightWinger
7:49:50 Niko won’t explain why black ppl have a lack of economic opportunities when he’s asked directly. It’s abt FUNDING! It’s the *lack* of *funding* of resources, services, support systems, & high quality lifelong public education in black communities.
7:53:10 Savannah Hernandez makes a very racist, typical right-wing conservative argument when she says: “We incentivize the black community to live off the welfare state, and we disincentivize marriage.” - Niko responds: “That was FDR, yeah, I 100% agree.”
7:54:00 Niko House says: “In the early 1900s, FDR was the worst thing that could’ve possibly happened to the black community, and the black community has no idea about it.” Self-described right-wing conservative guy responds: “You’re a libertarian.”
7:55:00 Niko is asked directly if he’s pro-union. He hems & haws, and then explains he’s not actually pro-union, just like he doesn’t support the Black Lives Matter movement. RW conservative guy asks: “What do we disagree about?” Niko: “We don’t disagree.”
Here’s the clip of Niko House refusing to criticize Ron DeSantis, the same governor who just signed a fascist, anti-First Amendment law which makes it illegal to protest in a group of more than 8 people, makes it a felony, and makes it legal to run over protesters w/ your car. https://twitter.com/geoffmiami/status/1386122674238332930
I didn’t get the time-stamp, but Niko also said he’s against all income taxes. This dude is so right-wing. He’s not any different from all the Ron Paul-type “liBerTariAns” who think they understand policies much better than they actually do. He offers no leftist policy SOLUTIONS.
8:10:35 Niko House says that he thinks private school vouchers, “school choice”, and charter schools are somehow “socialist”. Holy crap. He apparently doesn’t understand that this shit is why public schools are so underfunded and are failing kids, esp in poor, black communities.
At 8:16:20, Niko says: “The moment you deny someone an opportunity to create competition, you’re no longer engaging in capitalism; you’re engaging in the caricature of communism and authoritarianism.” - THIS IS LITERALLY CAPITALISM. WTF is he talking about
8:19:55- RW conservative guy says we need to stop talking abt police killing black people. He thinks we focus too much on it & that it’s not very many people that get killed. He says it’s “divisive”. Niko agrees with him. Niko doesn’t challenge him on this
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