guide on how to build kaeya!
— by a kaeya main who just got out of vindagnyr hell
there are two ways to build kaeya, he can either be your physical main dps or sub dps!

in this thread ill be showing off my sub dps kaeya
here are his stats! ill talk about his crit ratio later on
my most recommended artifacts for sub dps kaeya would be 2pc. blizzard 2pc. gladiator
however, if you have his c1 i would recommend running 4pc. blizzard instead. it works even better with the cryo resonance, keep this in mind
for artifacts, your priority should be
1: atk, crit dmg, crit rate
2: energy recharge, elemental mastery
here are my artifacts for kaeya! some of them really suck but thats rng for you i guess 👎
for his weapon; the best 4* option would definitely be festering desire, but if you didn't manage to get it, favonius sword works just fine! black sword from the bp is a great option too
if you managed to be lucky and get the jade cutter, then thats great! its a good weapon for kaeya as well (ps. hand it to me rn /threat)
for kaeya's talents, you should raise his skill first if you want to use him as your melt/freeze nuke

but if you're using him for his burst, level that up first
and now team comps! these are some of the charas i use with kaeya

(❗do NOT use kaeya with electro characters unless you are running a physical build on one of them, otherwise the superconduct debuff would be useless)
having another cryo/pyro in the same party as kaeya would be good, since melt damage is super strong and the cryo resonance is great as well
now about his crit ratio;
if you have his c1, cryo resonance, and a 4pc. blizzard set

you literally get 50% crit rate, and an additional 20% more if the opponent is frozen! so having high crit damage is more important here
here floor 7 kaeya im sorry if the quality is bad 😟😟
regular kaeya gameplay looks something like this (also say hi to childe sitting in my party)
aand that's all! i hope this thread managed to help somehow 😁 have fun building kaeya !!!
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