@Sraxs hey i wanna say great job on last weeks ep quite groundbreaking
Except the treatment of the Amber character
And i am a black woman so
Just give me a min of ur time sir
1. When u racebend a character into a black one . Racist will gind every little thing to have issue with that character (i am sure u must have heard of what happened with Titans and their Starfire ,the horrible treatment Anna Diop got)
When u @Sraxs (and i am sure it wasn't just u ) racebend a character then proceed to make them unreasonable and unlikable it has rippe effects
Let me break it down for u
The reaction of Amber to Marks and his goddamn duty virtually set the entire invincible fandom against her and gave fuel and justification to the racists who were complaining about her character for weeks
@Sraxs we know that Eve and Mark are endgame but u making the gap between Eve and Amber so clear in the way u did is extremely problematic
1. U made the black girl a stepping stone to bring up the white girl
That is unnecessary. They could have broken up for better reason
2. @Sraxs By making Amber selfish ,trifling and unreasonable u perpetuated harmful overdone of tropes of making black women bitter, angry and unlikable
If u wanted to do this u should have just kept her white
Why racebend Amber to an oppressed minority just make her negative?
After that whirlwind of an episode i awoke and logged on to see viral tweets about how much they hate Amber which were justified
But the fact that she wasn't this way in the comics but of course the black girl is now doing all of this and is hated
Is terrible @Sraxs
@Sraxs many of my mutuals who watched this show who are black women were deeply disappointed and hurt and this creative decision
Bw are rarely given light and if so it is rarely positive
@Sraxs Obviously it was purposeful to make her like this to put Eve in a better light
But at the 1ONE black girl in the shows expense?
It is unacceptable and the black female invincible stans deserve and apology in the least
So many of us were excited to see her.
@Sraxs @RobertKirkman @InvincibleHQ
We need to be more thoughtful about how we portray minorities.
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