I don’t like how much aloneness we’re sitting in without realizing we are not alone and we really DO have each other, but we don’t exercise that birthright enough.

This is what we’ve come to. We’re losing customs and practices where honor and togetherness was consistent.
That’s been on my heart this weekend. Sunday’s feel like days you and the family come together for breakfast or dinner and you enjoy the growth everyone has made. You listen to their week and you provide support so they can get through the next week coming.
Someone on here said if your community only looks like you and doesn’t include people of all walks, that’s not community. That’s a clique.

Generations need to sit at the table, of different classes, professions, educations. Ideas have no bias, and expression is not a privilege.
It’s not enough to share bread with only your peers. Because there is still so much we don’t know, maturity we haven’t walked in yet. We walk around as if we’ve figured it all out, and we age ourselves as a sort of false protection.

We still babies. We still need holding.
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