Lol I want to make this its own tweet, sorry.

*Imo* Sagittarian people kind of grow up learning that they need to put this mask on. If you’re not happy, cover that shit up so you don’t “spread the gloom”. That kind of thing. People think Sag’ is self-centric but I really feel—
like they have this (probably conditioned) *need* to keep everyone happy. And sometimes that comes across as flighty or self-centric or even egotistical. Bc sometimes they feel the best way to keep someone happy is to remove themselves from the situation altogether. I’ve never—
met a prominent sag’ placement person who wasn’t almost *always* thinking of Someone else or the whole collective when they do things. They likely feel like a huge part of their purpose in life is to spread this optimism. They were probably raised with the whole “put a smile on—
your face, turn the frown upside down, you’re making me sad” thing. I think they were kind of guilted for feeling anything other than happy, or for seeing things in a pessimistic light sometimes. 🖤 if you’re a Sagittarian and I’m wrong, let me know. Otherwise, leave me alone.
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