namjoon's intricate lyricism and wordplays in bts songs — a thread:
his rap part in wab pt.2 ;

"Told me it’s impossible but
Look carefully, I put a period in impossible
I’m possible"

- a wordplay meaning when you put a space in the word "impossible", it becomes "im possible" nothing is impossible, even the word itself confirms it.
his brilliant wordplay in trivia 承: love ;

"I’m just a person, you erode all my sharp edges, You make me into love"

- refers to korean for person (사람) and we take the last consonant "ㅁ" and erode it's corners it becomes "ㅇ" thus becoming the korean word for love (사랑).
"Love is a maze, damn
But you is amaze, yeah" — love maze.

namjoon showing his romantic self by rhyming 'maze' and 'amaze' implying that love is complicated but the one he loves is 'amaze', or amazing.
In "Telepathy" namjoon raps, 'Oh can I be your Bibilly Hills, like you did the same to me'. he uses a wordplay for Beverly Hills. 'Bibil' translates to something to rub against in Korean. It is like saying something to lean on. He wants us to lean on him, wants to be our support.
‘Us’ is just a plural of ‘U’ — 134340.

- says that “us” (two people) is the plural or multiple of “you” (one person). here by adding an 's' after 'u' (slang for you) he actually made 'us' into the plural of 'you'. in this song he uses pluto as a metaphor for a human relation.
"Been calling your name in this whole universe
Now I need no space
I got youniverse" — heartbeat.

- he was searching for his love (in this case ARMYs) in the universe, now that he found us, he doesn't want to be apart or 'space'. he finishes by rhyming 'universe' to 'youniverse'
'A fish lives in all our hearts
Its name is selfish, selfish' — am i wrong?

the first line will make no sense without the 2nd, where namjoon adds 'sel' in front of 'fish' thus rhyming and making it 'selfish' saying that selfishness is part of every human.
'Just treat me like a comma, I'll take you to a new phase' — waste it on me

Namjoon saying to think of him as a comma (where a person are not in sense), he will take us to a new phase, means a better world or life.
"여긴 왕국, 나는 킹 너는 덤 [dum]" — cypher pt.2
[This is a kingdom, I’m a king, you’re dumb.]

can be interpreted in 2 ways ;
1. Kingdom = King + dom -> King + dumb
2. Kingdom = King + dom -> King + 덤 (dum; an extra, a freebie) ; both are equal insult to haters.
You're my Miss Right, Miss Right
If I lose you, it’s a miss, right? Miss Right? — miss right.

again another wordplay just by using the same 2 words 'miss right' in a different meaning by saying if he losses her, it will be a miss or failure for him.
namjoon saying "I'm ill" in dis-ease — a triple entendre:
1. "I'm ill, yeah I'm work itself" as in he's sick of working.
2. I'm il (일 referring to korean of 'work') as in all he ever does is work.
3. I'm il (일 reoffering to korean of 'one') as in I'm the first/ I'm number one.
In ddaeng the same word ddaeng is used in many ways in joon's verse;
2.The sound of ringing a bell
3. Finished
4. 얼음 땡 (ice ddaeng), a children’s game (tag).
5. Having two cards from the same month in Hwatu.
- end of thread !! I know i couldnt even show a glimpse of this man's brilliance in lyricsm but hope its worth your time. 💜
Keep sharing our goals for the upcoming release of “don’t” by eAeon ft. RM coming in April 30th.
I have other threads explaining lyricism in bts discography ,, feel free checking them out !! 💜



Ok I just wanna say thanks for all the love and support this thread is getting, it rlly means sm and I rlly appreciate it. Also please don't translate or repost this thread with/without credit, I don't allow reposting of any of my threads. Have a good day !! <33
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