Why I'm growing faster than everyone you know

It's no secret now, my average ratio is 5k followers per month.

So let's just make something clear:

I don't buy followers.

Never did, never will.

Focus on being unique instead.

If you got nothing to say then go acquire experience first.

Stand out or back off.

Here are few things that I am not:

- A copy of another account
- A platitude account
- A purposeless account

Here is what I am:

- Someone that has a specific point to make.
- Someone with actual experience in what he talks about.
- Someone who's focusing on content creation.
Now with this in mind, the reason behind my growth is obvious.

I am unique.

And my content is coherent.

I'm not a marketing or web design account that talks about self-improvement.

I'm Ego and I talk about Ego.

Growth is cool, but spreading my message sounds better.
Truth is I'm barely sharing any tips on this thread, simply showing you what everyone is doing wrong.

Three things will get you results, and not just on Twitter:


You know the first two ones

The third one will come from me:

Launching in 10 days
No further explanation will be given.
You can follow @EgoDriv.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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