Biden’s approval numbers are lower than any president at 100 days since 1945, save Gerald Ford in 1974 (after his unpopular pardon of Richard Nixon) and Donald Trump in 2017.

Difference between Trump & Biden is entirely due to polling mix skew: 33% Dems, 24% Repubs, 35% Indies.
America fundamentally continues to be a conservative nation (all Democratic victories arise from media, academia, and ignorant sports and entertainment complex putting their collective partisan thumb on the scale). See next tweet for data.
Question: "Generally speaking, would you say you favor (smaller government with fewer services), or (larger government with more services)?"

[Even with the pandemic necessitated gusher of free money, free vaccines, and the like, Americans prefer smaller govt.]
America is a right-of-center country at its core. Always has been, and always will be, so long as it stays a constitutional republic.
Why, you ask? Well, look no further than its very founding. Go through the Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and try to find anything that strikes you as left-of-center, even the least bit. I bet you won't.
All leftist thinking is injected into our body politic by elites in the media, academia, entertainment, and so on, by people who are so secure in their perches that they will never have to suffer the consequences of what they advocate.
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