Wolfgang Pauli (25 April 1900 – 15 Dec. 1958)

What a physicist! What a personality!


Of course one should not publish a result until one is convinced of its validity and its meaning. Pauli put this very nicely (sic) in a famous remark:

When a colleague asked him, "I can't think as quickly as you", not to present his arguments as quickly, Pauli replied: "I don't mind if you go slowly think, Mr. So-and-so, but I have to protest if you publish faster than you think."

The same Rudolf Peierls remembers:

The agreement of a rough theory with the experiment never impressed him very much. He liked to quote the "Law of the Preservation of Sloppiness".

This law roughly says that any first approximation is better than one should expect, and if one were to work out more approximations, the results would be much worse.

I have had many opportunities to apply this law.

As remembered by Viki Weisskopf:

Pauli was a very big friend of Scherrer's, who was a typical experimental physicist and an excellent teacher who loved simple, clear explanations. Scherrer once came to Pauli when he was preparing his lecture and said:

Scherrer: I'll show you something, it's so easy to explain. One spin is down and the other spin is up; and that's so nice and simple.

Pauli: "It's easy, but also wrong!"


-- Happy Birthday, Pauli!
-- Pauli: "Nonsense!"
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