Two weeks ago, I was looking into working retail again and giving up on my dream of being a dev. I was devastated, but financially I couldn't stay.

In a last effort to keep going, I launched my shop.

A week after that, I got hired.

There was SO MUCH struggle to get there. 1/?
You see an "I got the job post" and think "wow, lucky!", but you don't see the "I'm about to leave this industry" posts. Because posting that online would probably be met with "keep going" or toxic positivity.

Financially some ppl CAN'T keep going. I was reaching that point.
Point is, if you think everything has been easy breezy and linearly succesful, it IS FAR from it. I spent many days and many nights thinking, "Maybe I'm not smart enough. Maybe I'm really just a "social media" person. Maybe I need to look elsewhere"..

I didn't want to let go
So I stayed. I kept going. I approached it in a way where I utilized my love for code and art.

And I got lucky. Very lucky. I'm lucky to have the friends and supports that I have in this industry, and I honestly thank you all.

However, this isn't everyones story.
If you are struggling, I hope that this is a reminder to continue. I remembered why I wanted to stay, and got creative with how I could do exactly that.

I see you, I hear you, I am you. Be kinder to yourself& patient. Take care of your mental&physical health. It's so important.
This post came about after reading @techbaddieallie's post. The TL are looking nice and shiny and perfect.. but they're not. Thank you for reminding me to keep things real with y'all. 💕
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