Due to recent racist trolling, I think it's time to educate them on Racial Literacy.
1.Twine (2004) first employed the term to categorize the practices White mothers of biracial children in the UK used to teach racial awareness & a positive Black identity to their children.
In Twine’s work with families, racial literacy was an identity-building process by which biracial children raised by White mothers could develop a positive, antiracist Black identity.
Racial literacy as a conceptual framework provides a vocabulary and a set of tools to help individuals interpret how race interacts with education, and it promotes engagement of racial themes into curriculum and pedagogy.
It refers to educators having the knowledge, skills, awareness and dispositions to talk about race & racism.
Guinier (2004) notes that developing racial literacy involves engaging in a continual learning process about the ways race, “in conjunction with class and geography invariably shapes educational, economic and political opportunities for all of us”
Racial literacy is more beneficial for White students than for students of color: because many have little “regular, substantial contact with people of other races” (Trainor), they may emerge from segregated educational environments with a “sort of racial illiteracy”
On the other hand, because traditional classrooms tend to highlight White European ideologies and modes of discourse (Sue), critical pedagogies are necessary to address the experiences and needs of a diverse student population.
Racial Literacy is not exclusive for children or adults of colour. It is of more benefit to Racially homogeneous schools where experience is limited.
Racial Literacy should be a criteria added in during screenings applications for Universities. This will promote parents to encourage their children to integrate & enhance their children's Racial Literacy.
Schools cannot be a mirror of society. Educators should teach students that society was built on ideas of people before them & can now be moulded into something new. (Baldwin)
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