i've been thinking about "Git Gud" and i think its just really dumb. If your advice is that a game only gets good if you put dozens of hours into it Im just not going to want to play that.

I don't wholly agree with this because I love games like Crusader Kings or Elite Dangrous
my point i guess, if this has a point, is that saying "git gud" will probably just make anyone not want to play whatever game you're describing.

its like anti-marketing

which sucks because a lot of these games do get good if you put time into them
i dunno, i hope this makes sense. I slept kind of weird last night. i beat Sister Freide in Dark Souls 3 and it just kind of put me in a weird headspace.
i was also thinking about what i like in complexity. I think you game gets like 2 layers of complexity before i start to get bored or agrivated

I'm going to say it, its why Monster Hunter World is my favourite

I don't want to balance like 10 things before every mission
There's a limit to how much you can dumb a series down before it gets stupid, the Elder Scrolls game is a good example of that done wrong, but yeah, making things less cumbersome is good.

No one liked the potion system of The Witcher 2
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