Dr Guleria is an opportunistic bigot who has been selling Modi's white lies for a year.

Same for Dr VK Paul, Dr Indu Bhushan, Dr Vijayaraghavan.

These are turn coats, the scientists, who used the pandemic to climb but while betraying their oath to Do No Harm. Laanat. Thoo. https://twitter.com/cnnnews18/status/1386283469290934274
As much as this is on the govt, this crisis is also designed by doctors who knew all along what the cost of their lies will be.

Indian scientific community -esp those advising the govt- is spineless, heartless & just as power hungry as the rest of Modi's partymen
As for Naresh Trehan...

This leech's career is a monument to back stabbing and making money as people die.

My profile from 2015 on how he bends health policy to suit his profit margins :
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