FINALLY. FINALLY there is an answer.

I've always wondered why leftover macaroni tasted so incredibly weak.

It gets sticky and loses it's salty/sharp flavor and no matter what I try i cant recover it.

I HAVE tried using milk and reheating on a stove top. Maybe temp too high?
"All cheese sauces are emulsions, which means the sauce is a bunch of cheese droplets basically suspended in the water from the milk. Pasta, even after being cooked, will continue to absorb water from the sauce. At a certain point, enough water has been removed from the sauce to
cause the emulsion to break. This changes the taste greatly, as instead of those cheese sauce globules hitting your tongue all at the same time, with that interaction of salt, fat, and acid hitting your taste receptors, and cheese flavor compounds entering your nose through the
back of your throat, it's now in a broken sauce with most of the salt and acid in the water phase, and fat in the fat phase. The fat coats your tongue, preventing much of the flavor compounds in the water phase from being tasted. When reheating any broken cheese sauce, you want
to reheat gently, stir often, and add some milk to the vessel. Broken emulsions can be rescued by being exposed to stable emulsions, like milk. If you whisk in a T or so of milk into your leftovers and stir constantly, you can mostly rescue the sauce,
but it won't be absolutely perfect. "
I will not apologize for the length of this thread. Bad mac and cheese is a scourge and must be remedied. lol
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