the shitest thing about dublin is that even pre-covid, there’s nothing you can do that doesn’t involve spending money. you can’t just gather in a park with pals without gardai moving you on, there’s fuck all open spaces to chill but even if there is one, there’s no toilets ?????
we are forced to live in our ma’s box rooms in our twenties, while being penalised for trying to have fun. and when we do out to a pub or nightclub we’re turfed out at 2am when people are fighting for a taxi because there’s no reliable public transport options either
all of this talk is coming from a pre-covid time - i understand people aren’t meant to meet in big groups rn. but ireland has become a corporate hell hole full of hotels and zero consideration for the citizens. we deserve better than this
i love dublin. home is home and it always will be. but dublin does not love me back. it’s no surprise to me that we’re all itching to leave
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