Let's start a story building thread- based on this this theme!

A tiger is awestruck by an elephant's way of life- her strength,intelligence, playfulness et al. So the tiger wants to choose being an elephant or do what an elephant does- be in a herd, become a herbivore, (1)
No more hunting of deer, walk long lengths to get water and do all that an elephant does!
Elephant being an intelligent being - asks " How can you be me? What will happen when you stop being a tiger" ? ....

What could the tiger say? Being a ignorant tiger.....................
Tiger says - There are so many Tigers to take care of my job - I choose to be an elephant and can become one if I do what you do ! 😁

Elephant laughs aloud - So you want to do what I do? You are a loner, living a life of a recluse all by yourself , I live in a big herd with ...
With all my sisters, mother aunts, cousins, we stroll in the forest olways, we do not hunt other animals, we eat tree twigs, shrubs,and fruits, we lounge in water for long hours and play there, our work helps the vegetation in the forest.
So, hello Tiger, if Tigers start saying they can choose to be Eles and wild boars, can you imagine the chaos in our jungle?

Who is going to keep the balance of deer population? Do you know how the eco system balance could tip with deer population exploding??
Due to erosion of grass lands, and green vegetation, the forests could dry up, more in summer, forest fires can endanger other animals, drying up of forests can cause untold suffering to all beings...

And if you live with us like us, how will you attract a mate?

Tiger scoffs
And shrugs- Its my right to become an elephant, you are impinging on my rights and freedom of expression to be who I want, you are discriminating and dictating to me you are supreme and only you can be an ele 😁. You are a criminal to say so! You are a fascist 😁
You are a Jaati vaadi 😁😄
Who said a Tiger born as a Tiger has to remain a Tiger? You are trapping me in my birth and "oppressing" me?
Its because of eles like you , we do not have unity in the forest! You are worst than those humam asuras mlecchas who invade our forests 😄😁
Your "rule" is irrelevant today in this forest, it needs to be reformed- animals can choose to be who they want based on what they do " ....

Yada Yada Yada.......
The ele asks - Can you DO this? 😄 if and when needed !
Or give birth to an ele baby and be like us in a joint family system? https://twitter.com/AndeDursu/status/1385158487450161159?s=19
No answer from the Jungle Reformist Tiger !

The agenda for reform to deform continues....

Not the end of story yet... as its still unfolding....
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