You've seen me mention @/Jacothenorth a couple of times recently and not everyone will have had the misfortune to run into him so a quick explanation might be useful.
I'm loathe to do it. He's been an unpleasant figure in the Welsh independence movement since the 60s and has made a lifetime's work of getting off on negative attention he gets from threads like this one I'm writing.
He's the natural evolution of the basement troll weirdo, so be careful what you dedicate your life to, I suppose.
His "beliefs" are largely irrelevant. He's nominally pro-independence but he's only ever done damage to the movement through bullying, intimidation, general background drama, to the point that folk think there's a non-zero chance he's a provocateur.
I joke about that and he would hardly be the weirdest oddball half-baked project to come out of Special Branch, but in all honesty I think he's just a crank who likes the illusion of importance he reckons he gets from hurting people.
I had a few pops at him some years ago, but then just muted and moved on, as it's the attention he likes and it was pointless fuelling it. Unfortunately, he's come back to my attention because his latest thing is threatening to obtain and release people's personal data.
It's petty sadism, making people scared then illegally, in my opinion, releasing their data. Twitter of course has a lukewarm approach to this kind of thing and generally there's nothing to be done beyond reporting him and shunning him.
He is seen by many in the independence movement as an ally, a character, "just Jac being Jac" etc. etc, all the usual excuses made for abusers. As we all know, if you believe the same thing an in-group believes, that group will excuse you. Human nature unfortunately.
Personally I think his targeting of women and people who aren't white or straight, should be enough evidence to get him the boot out of anywhere, but as usual the evidence of what is in front of everyone's eyes isn't good enough for (white straight men) some people.
Anyway as it happens because I've had this conversation quite a bit ("what's you're evidence against Jac, I've never seen it!") I kept some receipts. These may be useful. Remember, the worst people can be identified by repeating patterns of behaviour. It's never just one thing.
Regarding his white supremacy, he's frequently talked about his admiration for the Confederate slave state. Seriously now. Not even hidden it.
Yeah, wonder why we ignore the man who fought for slavery Jac.
How about the fact he openly admires the Trump presidency, a criminal endeavour of deeply racist, fascistic character?
A few years ago there was a twitter account that allied itself to the right wing of the Welsh independence movement called Wolfpack4truth. It was openly antisemitic and tweeted about "white replacement". I don't have the screenshots to hand but many people will recall it.
The account appears to be deleted now but if you search "from:Jacothenorth" and wolfpack4truth you'll see how happy Jac was to interact with and approvingly RT an open Nazi, time and time again.
This all adds up, combined with countless other examples, to a pattern of hatred towards people who aren't white and straight. Make no mistake, if you ally yourself with this man you are allying yourself a far-right white supremacist and that's the kindest was I can put it.
"It's not proof Madeley" Oh OK, how about he's a fan of Apartheid culture
"But it doesn't mean..." OK how about this one.
He was supporting sentiments expressed about Orbán on th "Voice of Europe" news "service" by the way, a far-right islamophobic account and site.
So take a look at all these things in this thread and think about, in context and in view of his pattern of behaviour, how we should read this threatening tweet
Oh I know you'd supply names Jac. You'd be desperate to hand over a list of names at a certain point of history. Men like you always are.
Stick that exposé up your backside and swivel on it, Jac.
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