Research suggests that learning time is lost, especially for the most disadvantaged
Cyber bullying, sexting, filming without consent, viewing inappropriate content, shouldn’t be happening anywhere. At least a ban makes sure children are safe from it for part of their day
Children need to know that there is a part of their week they *don’t* have to be permanently available to others.
Banning phones in school public spaces means students learn important social skills. Like holding a conversation
People sometimes say ‘oh we should be teaching them how to use mobile phones, not banning.’ Teaching kids not to be on their phones IS teaching them how to use them. They already know how to be attached to them.
The school’s job is to teach them how to not be offline. To be in the moment. To be present. When you are in your phone, you are not where you are.
In short, it’s easy for naive adults to think they’re being groovy by saying ‘oh, youngsters these days are all on their phones now, you can’t stop progress.’ But that misunderstands the real problems these cause in education
School should be a place of safety, calm and dignity for all. If you want to keep kids safe, keep mobiles out of the classroom.
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