They are linked to other organisations known to spread COVID misinformation, including PANDA, PCRClaims, HART, and others...
They have continually sought to minimise SARS2 as a largely harmless infection that would pass through our population, with HI apparently last
spring...according to a STILL unpublished study. 🤦‍♂️
Yes, we're doing much better, but there's still work to do. Remember, just over 12 weeks ago, thousands of UK population were dying every day.
Erm, India, Brazil, Russia, here, Europe...take your foot off the brake too soon and
We are doing much better this time around, plus vaccines change the game by giving the prospect of this virus a rare, controllable imported infection. However, massive vaccine inequalities, flawed quarantine policy and astoundingly poor support for people
to self isolate, means we have holes in our defense, which could contribute to another wave of infection...and yes, thousands of people could die, again.

Remember, whatever is motivating these folks, this isn't plausible, they are aiming to tell folks who are rightly at their
wits end what they want to hear.

Also remember, the false dichotomy between controlling the virus and the economy/getting life back is just that, false. However, it seems some quarters are determined to discredit virtually every means by which scientists, healthcare workers and
public health professionals are using to combat the pandemic and save lives. Whether it's tests, restrictions, vaccines, hospital capacity, protecting vulnerable people or recognising the complete clinical spectrum and age range of this disease, including #LongCovid, the ever-
changing, deliberately contrary, consistently debunked narrative they peddle continues to be not only supported by openly biased politicians (CRG) and areas of the media with clear bias towards "think tanks" like AIER.
Ultimately, this could undermine our pandemic strategy,
flawed as it has been, and still is. It is right to be upset and frustrated about the fact we have needed three lockdowns, it is right that those less well off have suffered, but remember that the virus unchecked would be far, far worse, and we mustn't mistake failed policy for
failed advice, research, vaccines, NPIs, treatment, awareness, public spirit and compliance (which remains high), all of which aim to end this terrible period in our history.

AIER use familiar tactics used during the climate change debate, including the recruitment, funding and
endorsement of certain "experts" to validate their messaging.
I can never quite understand what motivates hitherto respected and careful scientists to throw their names into this particular sort of hat, but I urge people to read articles by @STWorg, which are truly insightful.
You can follow @SGriffin_Lab.
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