there are annoying anime characters and then there are annoying haikyuu characters, it's when every time they're on screen you're like "🙄🙄🙄 bitch i love you"
shoyo about kiyoko: it's the pretty girl! the pretty girl is here!

totally me in high school
read a fanfic once in which someone said that "he kinda falls in love a little but with everyone he plays volleyball with" about shoyo and i think that person nailed shoyo's characterization to be honest
everything kagehina do is textbook (platonic) soulmatism idc idc
watching sports anime always makes me want to pick up team sport but i'm as a person non-competetive to a fault, i think i actually just want to play tag with my friends or something
hinata always hiding behind his taller and more aggressive teammate's back when he wants to taunt someone is peak short ppl representation, i can attest
oikawa: i want to squash my special little underclassman!

bro you're such a weirdo...god bless
i'm convinced that oikawa is so popular with girls because he's never actually gotten close to any of them because if he did the whole female school population would've found out that he's a huge weirdo the next day
insane / too much energy / calm
love how a half of karasuno team are completely inept academically. dumbass representation let's go!
you know i still don't understand the concept of school suspension. maybe our school system is just built different but isn't suspension literally just a break from school lol. i would skip school just because when i was young, i didn't need a suspension to do that
no way noya me too me too
asahi my beloved...
то что я все это дело смотрю с нетфликс аккаунта Люки с впн вместо того чтобы просто спиратить сэз э лот эбаут сасаити конечно...стриминг сервисы делают нас ленивыми
me keeping track of how everyone in haikyuu addresses each other and which honorifics they use and whether they use first names or surnames hoping it will give me insight into their characters and dynamics
^ girl you're watching a sports anime...
nooo hinata hiding behind kageyama is so boy. baby
ok but this one was completely justified on tsukishima's part. "city boys" c'mon now 😭
unrelated but i love haikyuu's character design so much. it's really really good. everyone looks like a high schooler and it's distinct without being dramatic in an ugly way (i'm looking at you kuroko no basket), very pleasant to look at
shoyo: don't worry i'm used to getting hit in the face 😄
these subtitles 😭
"as long as im around you're the greatest" i like how because kageyama has NO filter he ends up saying either utter nonsense or ridiculously poetic shit, no in-between
hinata meeting his future sugar bestie
so true anti-authoritarian kenma!
i love uuuuuu
also love how kenma got lost and didn't even bother to find his way back apparently and just texted kuroo so he could come and get him
bro why are you going around telling people how great your bestie is
kuroo white-knighting for kenma to complete randos out of nowhere is so funny
yamamoto: kenma do you think karasuno have a pretty female manager or not? mm? what do you think
kenma: ...why are you asking me that i'm gay
maybe the real dumpster showdown was actually not karasuno and nekoma playing for the first time but them meeting for the first time
still can't believe that kuroo came up with this corny ass gay ass speech that is literally about how kenma's their most valuable asset and somehow convinced everyone it's not corny and gay
i think his teammates are just desensitized to his corny kenma-centric bullshit at this point
извиняюсь но (хватаясь за сердце) (кряхтя) курокен...после стольких лет...всегда...
furudate was so right for the childhood friends trope
every time shoyo messes up a toss he panics that kageyama will get mad and every time kageyama's so confused by that reaction like he wasn't the one intimidating shoyo for three episodes straight in the beginning 😭 the boy really lacks social skills
"tall mcspiky" THIS is how you do translations
no but i feel so guilty that the show is REALLY trying to explain me the rules and volleyball tactics and all but i am just. too dumb to understand i'm sorry. i don't get sports
NO WAY, constant kenma-centric bullshit is actually canon...i have no words
no but these visual metaphors with cats and crows really make me emotional
it didn't escape me how kuroo called tsukishima a buzzkill nerd (politely)
it just occurred to me that the last manga frame in which they're about to play against each other as professional players takes place literally 10 years after hinata tells kageyama that he's gonna defeat him even if it takes 10 years. furudate...i see what you did here.
okay but it's just so extremely poetic that to be able to face each other as opponents kagehina had to become partners first!!
asahi "everyone at school thought him to be a bully or a criminal because of his appearance and then he went and became a fashion designer" beloved [2]
all 159 cm of noya were ready to fight this dude
hinata is a type of a short person who hides behind a tall friend's back and noya's the type of a short person who goes at a tall person with a baseball bat
asahi: *gives shoyo an advice on how to calm his nerves*
noya: why didn't you use it when we battled dateko last year then genius? huh?

the way asahi is simultaneously the biggest loser and the most awesome person ever in noya's eyes...
"HOW'S THE FREAK DUO DOING" SHUT UUUP lmaooo pot calling the kettle back
oikawa be like yeah i'm gay but seeing tobio succeed makes me homophobic
kagehina's soulmatism in one picture
"they're linked both mentally and physically" ....i mean. no comments.
karasuno vs. aoba johsai is just lgbt infighting
so many years later still made me chuckle. what an iconic scene
oikawa is such a smooth talker...too bad everyone can recognize that he talks shit
thinking about how oikawa is a foil to kageyama and kageyama is a foil to hinata and hinata is a foil to tsukishima
everyone is a foil to everyone in haikyuu in general and i think it's very cool
lmaoo tadashi's like "y'all being EMBARRASSING"
karasuno's second and third years: SUGA OUR BELOVED!!!
shoyo: you're making that scary face again :/
shoyo just scolded kageyama for not communicating during the game, he really said bitch use your words i'm tired of trying to read your mind
"suga is the only one who can lecture daichi" I SEE...I'M GONNA HOLD ON TO THIS INFORMATION
sugawara is actually the true powerhouse of karasuno bc only he has enough emotional intelligence to deal with all these insane people
suga: karasuno needs hinata at his 100% and kageyama is the only one who can power him up like that

suga said "idk what soulmate bullshit you got going on but keep it up kids"
NOOO my boy's trying to be personable so hard but he's just not good at'll get it one day tobio i promise
it took kageyama almost losing the tournament to realize that he in fact needs to be attentive to his other teammates who's not shoyo too. why is it always like this with him
suga: kageyama told hinata "as long as i'm around you're the greatest" but it goes both ways

you can tell suga kinda gets a kick out of watching kageyama and tsukishima trying to master the art of communication tho lol. i see you people-watcher
he's very observant and intelligent and i love suga a lot and wish we knew more about his background, i feel like he's undeservingly overlooked
noya baby why are you doing acrobatics on the court
no but the way seijoh got themselves a whole cheerleading team and the only ones karasuno got in their corner are two dudes who are friends of their coach 😭
kagehina got issues
love how ushiwaka was set up as this incredibly intimidating person but then tobio and shoyo just randomly meet him on the street and he turns out to be...A Guy.
yes baby you will!
seeing kenma and shoyo texting each other fills my heart with joy...they're friends!
so do we agree that yachi is queercoded right? you can't possibly interpret this in way that's not her being completely smitten by kyioko.
i clearly remember watching haikyuu back in 2015 and being shocked by how yachi's borderline textually in love with kiyoko and the narrative kinda just...brushes over it. anyway. yachi gay
kiyoko: i'm gonna walk you home
yachi: i feel like i should be the one walking you home

yachi sweetie...😭
1) this is extremely funny 2) the way tanaka basically said "you're so valid for being gay for kiyoko i'm straight for her too"...true allyship
"that string in your hair is awesome" aww noya just wanted to tell asahi he looks cute...
noya: idk what it is and what is it about but you look good because you always look good and i think i'm in love with you
asahi: thanks. very sweet of you
also what kiyoko said about how you don't need to be passionate about something and be instantly ready to commit to try something out and see if it's good for you is very wise and true
ok i totally forgot about ovas...might as well watch the arrival of lev before they play against nekoma again
gonna put it here to surprise myself once i'd want to reread this thread 6 months later
more kuroken ramblings
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