Black women deserve greater love than what is being offered within the confines of cishetero patriarchy and romance in general.
I see BW upset & too focused on the fact that niggas do not love & cherish BW (which Audre Lorde called unconstructive resentment), and that’s valid, but the type of love we deserve & can generate for ourselves exceeds romance & what these niggas are even capable of offering yall
The women these men give attention to are not even being loved in full and deep. You know we can create something greater for ourselves, that stands the test of time?? Our imaginations are so limited when it comes to love and what it can look like.
This isn’t even an anti-romance thread, im just personally over all the shit they telling us we should desire. idk about anyone else but I want more. More real love, and more of everything good. I want more more more more. And my imagination will get me there
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