If there’s anything you read tonight, it ought to be this excellent piece. A fundamental incongruence exists within the New Right, one that can only be remedied by reckoning with the origins of our political vision.

Without revealing too much, this excerpt best captures the overall thesis. The New Right desires a more communitarian America where the state promotes both virtue and cohesion. But only in one place is there a pretext for this: in the Puritan Northeast.
At the same time, the political figure the New Right most identifies with (Donald Trump) was catapulted to victory by a cross-section of America whose folkways align more with Jackson and Jefferson than of Adams and Hamilton.
How we can reconcile this fundamental tension? I’m not entirely sure. But for any successful post-liberal political coalition to emerge, the answer to this is a precondition. Do read the piece, if you haven’t. It’s both informative and stimulating.
Tagging @LucaHCacciatore because this falls squarely into his area of expertise.
You can follow @ChaseReid5.
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