Completed over the past dozen years, three stunning bicycle/pedestrian bridges now link the Purdue University-Fort Wayne ( ) campus trail network to the City of Fort Wayne's Rivergreenway System ( ).
It's hard to describe how impressive these three structures are, but the architectural design literally takes your breath away. As is visible from the photos, all of them incorporate some element of cable-stayed support into their design.
The main span lengths are indeed impressive for pedestrian/bicycle bridges, ranging from 168 feet for the Parker Cole/Coliseum Boulevard Crossing, to 246 feet for the Crescent Avenue Bridge, to a whopping 385 feet for the Venderly/St. Joseph River Bridge.
There is even a tunnel thrown in beneath Broyles Boulevard, west of the Crescent Avenue Bridge
As an avid cyclist and hiker, it is heartwarming to see increased infrastructure spending being allocated towards non-motorized transportation options.
Furthermore, as an alumni of Purdue, it's wonderful to see the Fort Wayne campus and the City of Fort Wayne ( ) partner in taking proactive and exciting steps to provide safe and varied transportation options to residents, students, staff, and visitors…
…alike. Bravo to all involved!
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