wlw =/= lesbian. lesbians are wlw but not all wlw are lesbians ??? no one should be dunking on non-lesbians, some of the scs provided were ppl being toxic, but it's literally a lesbian space you can't act like you are entitled to be there if ur not a lesbian ??? https://twitter.com/EternOwllie/status/1386065791888592901
like im sorry. this thread IS lesbophobic. people are constantly trying to vilify lesbians. that account is a space FOR LESBIANS you are not entitled to it if you're not a lesbian! no one is saying ur not a valid wlw or sapphic???
like the absolute gall of them to go out of their way to vilify lesbians and for WHAT? the lesbian experience IS DIFFERENT + UNIQUE TO THEM IT'S NOT THE SAME AS BEING BI/PAN. just as bi/pan sapphics have their own struggles + are deserving of their own safe spaces, so r lesbians!
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