"Conditions in Sudan were not auspicious for a successful pro-democracy civil resistance movement. The regime was oppressive, entrenched, and had been successful in its divide and rule tactics when it came to the large and ethnically heterogeneous nation."

sounds familiar, no?
Another similar obstacle to #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar --powerful nations supporting the regime:
"Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were helping to prop up the military regime. And most of the West had seemingly written off Sudan as a hopeless case."
"Yet, starting in Dec 2018, a movement emerged...by April 2019, General Omar al-Bashir was overthrown by fellow military officers.
...by August the military stepped down in favour of a civilian-led transitional government."
here's a "what's happening in Sudan?" post from an activist. Think about this: someday, soon, other freedom movements will be searching for YOUR words to get inspiration for their fight. It's only a matter of time. https://twitter.com/BUKOJUlCE/status/1146376714848624640
If you search the #IamTheSudanRevolution hashtag, you'll see posts like this. Here's a protest from Ghana, in solidarity with the people of Sudan.
Isn't it moving? It makes me tear up.
The battle you're fighting is a common cause around the world. https://twitter.com/EFLFighters/status/1145365383999873024
this tweet is from six months into the #sudanrevolution. They also were sleepless and exhausted, just like you are now. https://twitter.com/AMoukhyer/status/1146007130606055424
Here's an example of the artwork of grief and hope in the #sudanrevolution, just like the art that is so essential right now in the #myanmarspringrevolution https://twitter.com/WalaaIsamAhmed/status/1143966884104146944
Picture of a protest march in June 2019, six months after the #sudanrevolution protest movement started. https://twitter.com/Ahmed_A_Elrahim/status/1145374742385483777
This, 6 mos into #SudanRevolution:
"The TMC’s other main international allies are Russia and China, who supported the TMC in their calls for the UN and African Union to withdraw its peacekeeping mission in Darfur."
Also rings familiar. And the people won. https://www.sudaninthenews.com/weekly-report-june-1118
Here's a great thread summarizing the revolution, incl. footage of protests, + celebrations when the ppl succeeded.
@idrisbread: would you + other #sudanrevolution friends be interested in sharing any insights/encouragement with #myanmarspringrevolution? https://twitter.com/idrisbread/status/1268238907008708608
You can follow @randallbreanna.
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