My (transmasc nonbinary) husband and I (agender) have been gatekept so hard out of certain Steven Universe & She-Ra spaces because "it's not FOR you, it's for SAPPHICS!" and I just

I just really wanna remind people that the creators of both are NONBINARY and one is TRANSMASC
Also, you can be nonbinary and sapphic. You can be nonbinary and a lesbian. You can be bisexual and a lesbian. You can be NBLW and relate to WLW content. You can be a lot of things besides "cis lesbian" and still relate to sapphic content.
idk man I'm just tired of people pretending that representation is "owned" by the "community" (which doesn't even exist)

and that you can only relate to a piece of queer rep if you have the EXACT SAME DOWN TO THE LETTER identity

that is SO not how it works
God FUCKING forbid you be a bisexual and relate to Pearl or Garnet or Adora or Catra or any of the characters the fandoms have decided Must Be Monosexual Lesbians Only.

Nobody's headcanon is robbing you of your representation, y'all.
It's real fucked up that I have had people tell me that Ruby and Sapphire are "obviously lesbians, nothing else," when Rebecca Sugar, the BISEXUAL NONBINARY PERSON, has stated that R&S are based on her relationship WITH A MAN.
If you see them as lesbians, great! Yours is not the only valid interpretation! Let bisexuals and nonbinary people have things! Jesus goddamn Christ!

anyway, this rant brought to you by some real biphobic & transphobic bullshit I keep experiencing in queer fandoms
"Lesbian" used to be a thing you DID not a thing you WERE & I just really think we all need to remember bisexuals have been in lesbian & gay spaces since the fucking beginning.

We're not robbing you of jack shit, but a lot of y'all sure are trying to rob US of OUR history.
Some part of me wonders if I would still have a greater connection to sapphic identity if I hadn't been forced out of WLW spaces for being in a "straight marriage."

(Never mind that I'm agender & my wife is, y'know, a lady.)
I spent a long time as a bisexual woman before my self-perception changed, but I don't feel any...fondness? Nostalgia? Affection? IDK. I think back on being a bisexual woman and all I can think is that it kind of fucking sucked, and not just for dysphoria reasons.
I was never treated as bisexual, just as "gay" or "straight" depending on my current relationship dynamic or whatever. It sucked ass.

These days, I STILL get treated like that, but I also have to deal with transphobia, and it's. Ugh.

Anyway. Biphobia is bad. Don't do it.
I literally have no point to this thread other than "I've had a beer and I'm annoyed about biphobia."

If you read this far, have a nice day, drink some water, and don't forget to take your meds!!!

/thread, I guess?
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