Ok fuck it I'm just going to post a thread of flashpoint opinions and pin it to draw a line in the sand on all of these issues
*the Soviet Union, Maoist China, and every single authleft state were unethical failures of communism. They did some things right, but they were overall just massive mistakes that should be learned from, and none of the leaders involved should be glorified.
*Joe Biden is a racist neoliberal with policies that kill people, and despite his genuinely positive achievements so far, needs to be pushed further left. Kamala is a lot better but still not that great. Voting for Biden was good only because Trump was worse.
*All conservatives are either stupid, evil, or stupid and evil. Fuck them all.
*I'm strongly pro gun-control, but I understand why many leftists are pro-gun, and sympathise with them to an extent. I'm willing to work with these people, because we have way more in common than we lack.
*Capitalism is a terrible system and while reform is not pointless, our ultimate political end goal should always be communism.
*Trans rights are human rights. Black lives matter. ACAB (and I mean that in the structural sense, not in the individual sense).
*I don't think the revolution is coming, I don't think the revolution would succeed, and I'm not convinced the revolution would give us communism. Nonetheless, if a leftist revolution must occur, it should be anarchist. No revolutionary dictators. Catalonia-style.
*Representative democracy is shitty, but it's the best we've got. Way better than any type of dictatorship. Direct democracy is the goal.
*Autism isn't a disease and if you think it needs to be cured, go fuck yourself.
*Violence is only justifiable in self defence. War is only justifiable in the most extreme circumstances imaginable. The death penalty is an evil, no matter who the criminal is or what they did.
*Protesters are good, provided they're not directly fucking over other working class people or just using protests as an excuse to do pointless antisocial shit. Mutual aid is good. Political activism is good. Hold politicians' feet to the fire, always. They serve us.
People can participate in shitty systems without being shitty themselves. We all do that, every day. I'm not going to break it down as simply as 'every person who owns a business is pure evil' or some shit like that. But capitalism itself is a bad system that encourages evil.
What else are stances people tend to draw lines around? Hmm...borders are stupid and illegal immigration is not a real crime. Decriminalise all drugs. Defund the police. Science is a force for both good and evil. Religion is also a force for both good and evil.
There. If you wanna know where I stand on something, go to this thread. If there's another political faultline I think people are gonna wonder about, I'll add it here.
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