1/ I am a #vaccine skeptic in the same way that I am a Boeing 737 MAX skeptic. I'm quite familiar with modern aircraft and their principles of operation. I will happily get on a Boeing 787, or an Airbus 321. Or an Embraer E190. But a 737 MAX gives me pause.
2/ The 737 MAX is a fine enough aircraft. It is certified and safe. But, on 2 occasions, it overrode the pilots and flew itself into the water. Other aircraft have, by and large, not done that. And the 737 MAX had other incidents where pilots lost control of their plane.
3/ Some day I will no doubt fly on a 737 MAX. But, if you asked me today, I would be hesitant. In a pinch I would. But, I might be inclined to let you and a few hundred thousand other people fly it first. Y’know. Just in case.
4/ You can re-assure me that the 737 MAX has been updated and the problems resolved. Or that my chances of flying in one where such a problem develops are infinitesimally small. But don’t tell me that my fears are unfounded, or that I’m an anti-MAXer, or there were no problems.
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