Vaccine PRICE distracts us from vaccine SUPPLY, vaccine ALLOCATION and vaccine DISTRIBUTION.

How much and when and how will it scale.

The payment issue is just a distraction - it’s being paid from our taxes. Free should be the simple answer.
Can we have public disclosure of:

• orders placed
• orders under process
• payments made
• delivery schedule

If a food delivery app can give us this, so can vaccine manufacturers. We don’t need to wait for Govt to process this information.
Ditto for life saving drugs. Every manufacturer can put that out.

If I can know where my paneer roll is at every moment, we have the right to know how much vaccine or Remdesvir is coming out of the factories and importers and where is it going.
Everything has a E-way bill and GST receipt. It’s all traceable.

No order or payment from a government (state or centre) is not recorded at multiple places.
Can we even imagine the colossal mess as 30 states land up trying to procure vaccines from manufacturers and importers.

Perfect storm like the oxygen problem.

In the midst of a life taking pandemic we will have officials bicker over supply and price.

Of course, manufacturers need to be paid, and they should earn normal profits on it.

But we can handle that later. If they have price gouged us. We are here, they are here, and global players need our market.

No one will dare play around with us if we are united and sensible.
Common sense and ECON 101 should tell us that if we make States compete on supply, allocations, delivery schedules and imports - the overall cost of vaccination to us will GO UP and not down!!
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