For anyone wondering why I haven't done this previously.... a thread of my previous pitch decks 🤣
@neutroncreative pitch deck v1, ~march 2020.
At first, we were going to pitch better WordPress hosting. This flopped pretty fast when i realized how VC fundraising worked (not getting any venture sized returns on this one)
Link to deck:
@neutroncreative deck v2, ~may 2020.
by this time, we learned we had to go bigger. obviously, i didn't learn enough though... basically the same pitch with different packaging. i also had a thing for reallllllly light text🤣


link to deck:!AgOjG3KToazogmVnRnpgVZ2RIjzi?e=A1Sx1z
@neutroncreative deck v3, ~july 2020
this deck was okay. pitched my first VCs with this deck. they said no, but i made it to due diligence for the first time. getting better :)
link to deck:
bonus 🥚: 
@neutroncreative deck 4, ~september 2020.
pivoted from WordPress -> COSS. also decided probably not the best idea to raise $1.25M as a first timer.... switched to a $600k pre-seed at this point!!
link to deck:!AgOjG3KToazogmu34diRgiGU4vFo?e=Gm9ylg
@neutroncreative deck 5, ~november 2020.
i thought this was the one!! spoiler alert: it wasn't. maybe i shouldn't have taken the layout from the fyre festival pitch deck?!? 🤦‍♂️
link to deck:!AgOjG3KToazohW7nymx-DwZsefUx?e=DXCub0
@neutroncreative deck 6, january 2021?
getting a lot closer here, but not there yet. getting obvious vc feedback that they were only interested in @singlelink, but i was way too attached to the "open-source the world" mantra to let that go.
link to deck:
started getting honest & direct feedback from @DanHightowerJr at this point in paid one-hour sessions, which made a WORLD of a difference

getting direct feedback from an experienced founder/angel and being able to see in my blind spots was a MASSIVE learning opportunity for me
@singlelink deck 7, ~ jan/feb 2021?
after a long debate with @drewbits & @NavidK0, we agreed to focus on @singlelink. thankful they fought me on this, bc we got our first commit shortly after! starting to get VCs reaching out to me now...
link to deck:
@singlelink deck 8, ~march 2020.
working on storytelling now, and improving our narrative. things are still unclear at first glance imo, but getting much better. got our second commit here, through Twitter DMs!
link to deck:
@singlelink deck as of now
the biggest focus now is telling a story everyone can understand as quickly as possible. it's still improving every day, but i've learned a TON from fundraising (and failing) for the past year :)
link to deck:
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