I’m watching Grease and this timeline is NOT adding up! So she doesn’t know Danny goes to the same school? And when was cheerleader tryouts and us finding out she made the team?
Rizzo was out of line for bringing Sandy to see Danny and withholding it this entire time but I’ve been waiting for some mess. *shrugs*
That stuffed bear assaulting Rizzo! “Would you try this with Annette?” Why? 😭😭😭
“Rizz you making fun of me?” Sandy girl come on now! You didn’t hear her shit talking song from behind that bathroom window? Frenchie’s mom AND the neighbors heard it!!!
All this drinking and driving?!?! Where are the parents?
Did she just sing “Hopelessly Devoted” to a kiddie pool? Is she still intoxicated? I’m confused.
Danny rides an engine from the ceiling. And then does an impromptu ribbon solo dance around the car. The mono chromatic mechanic suits. Of course all the pelvic thrusts on pelvic thrusts. Grease Lighting sure was something.
All these sports Danny tries out, does the school not have some sort of boxing club?
What?!?! Sandy just up and left homeboy at the race track at a moments notice and didn’t even say anything?!?!
I for one love Fenchie’s hair. But who is this man singing Beauty School Dropout? I wish it were Barry Manilow he is of the proper age during this time I think.
A dead guy from the malt shop?
Popcorn break! 🍿🍿🍿
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