this is just me clearing up everything before anything escalates again.

im sorry this shit invaded yalls tls. im sorry it made some people leave. im sorry for everyone affected by this.
i was on my priv and went to go block clara when i saw they made a long ass thread with my posts and others into it, this is what this thread is about.
i will only apologize for being immature and calling out people when i didnt know if they were behind the actions of another person provoking me.

im still young, and i realize my mistakes now, i promise to mature.
on the other hand clara, you are over 18 and have done the most stupid shit ive ever seen.

i will not apologize for anything else, you dont need to accept the apology i have made, i dont care.
i clearly stated that i hoped everyone would leave each other alone. there was no need to be a fucking creep , and go back to my account after i have you blocked, and screenshot my tweets.

invade my space again and there will be problems, and i will NOT be apologizing for it.
because of you who did not want to let the situation go, and the fact that you are still spreading false info, i feel unsafe online.
i had a panic attack, a bad one. dont feel all high and mighty when youve triggered my anxiety. its not fucking funny. youre not a good person either.

i may deactivate, or go private for the mean time.

never bother me or my mutuals again.
you may deserve an apology for me "canceling you" but what you dont deserve is my respect.
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