Now for some REAL tonal whiplash, I'm watching SAW (2004) for the first time cause I'm curious what about this franchise has Chris Fucking Rock and SLJ doubling back to it in 2021
I know some of the twists and whatever from reading
figure if I can get through Courtney's HANNIBAL binges this is no prob
love a good ontological mystery! wait what came first, this or CUBE?
"there are ways to win this all around you." THIS IS A FUCKING ESCAPE ROOM LMAO
so like...did Jigsaw shit in the toilet? Is this a "Granny's Peace Tea" situation??
legitimately interesting that Adam keeps handing resources to a guy who's been ordered to kill him! Something something human nature
oooh we are allowed to leave the room now through flashback! Kind of an act break moment
I wonder how obvious the twist would be if I hadn't already known it? cause it feels pretty obvious with 20 min down (he likes to observe)
are they ever gonna explain how he drugs his victims? or is that just Genre Convention
interesting that the Reverse Beartrap is so cruel that we already know that the victim survives it before we ever see it.

but of course that's not the REAL horror
there's a lot of SEVEN DNA in here.
ah, here's the bait and switch observer. nice.
odd that Cary Elwes is the only one who can "leave" the room via flashback. That must have something to do with the fact that Adam is so reticent.
his daughter seems a bit old to be so comprehensively misbelieved about "the man in her room" but maybe that's a function of her parents' obliviousness
you're not even gonna protect that man's family from a home invasion? ACAB
I hope this isn't a "I timed to the second when you cops would find the critical clue that led you here" beat, I cordially despise those
scale models of all the traps! oh and an actual trap
love 2 walk around my own lair in all-concealing robes
ok that played like an ad-lib from a really dangerous guy rather than a master plan, props
there was even a non-prescribed way to break down the trap! and a conventional, non-ironic emergency murder trap.
oh ok, at this point Danny Glover is completely whackadoo
I kind of thought this movie was one long dungeon crawl but the time-shifting structure has given us a bunch of interesting cases and traps!
Did Adam REALLY keep information from Gordon to spare his feelings?...seems more like he has a reflexive need to conceal information. You'd think Jigsaw is playing them against each other, but it seems REALLY unlikely that he'd guess the wallet-throw
I didn't think of the electrocution poison-test, that's a nice beat.

apparently it jump-starts Adam's brain, which seems less plausible. this is happening a little early for an act break, but a turning point of sorts.
all the tech in the movie is just SLIGHTLY dated for 2004. It plays as a contemporary film still but I wonder if it's also obscuring the time period. The cell phone is almost the only thing stapling us to no later than the late 90s.
this insight was brought on by the darkroom sequence! I was taught how to use one in middle school, and my mom even built one in our basement, and that all went nowhere 😭
oooo REAR WINDOW riff?
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