TF are ''SEMITES''? You do realize that Wilhelm MARR coined that term (''Anti-Semite'') during the ZENITH of scientific MATERIALISM, rite? The notion being that Jews and Aryans were at odds due to ''blood'' and the fact of the alienage of the ''SEMITE'' right? This kinda shit...
is as ahistorical as MARXISM. The problem/tragic history/ENMITY between JEWS and Indo-EUROPEAN peoples does NOT derive from JEWS somehow having ''BAD DNA'' or some kind of ''property of BLOOD''. Races become biologically INSULAR owing to historical phenomena, NOT vice versa.
FINALLY, Temple JUDAISM went extinct in 70AD - there is NO ''Judaism'' subsequent, in the terms the OT is talking about. What there IS is the Rabbinic Judaism that emerged in 135 AD - for the SOLE purpose of resisting ROME and CHRIST. IOW, you're looking at a dialectical...
phenomenon of PURPOSEFUL opposition. THAT is the pathology of Judaism - NOT that they have some kind of special (for GOOD or ILL) DNA/''BLOOD'' etc.
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