I’ve lived just about half of my life in Utah. I have some thoughts on the trending discussion of similarities and differences in members of the LDS church inside and outside of Utah, but I really don’t have the energy to share it all here
Charged topics are draining. So instead of my 50 tweet analysis, here is my conclusion:

You’re going to meet the most amazing and the most terrible humans both inside and outside of the church, and both inside and outside of the state of Utah
The humans you use to form your judgements says far more about you than it does about the reality of any particular location or religion. It shows your confirmation bias and what you want to be true, not necessarily what is true
Every ward I’ve ever lived in, anywhere, has 3-4 people I like talking to and 3-4 people I hate talking to. Most people fall somewhere in between and really aren’t that different from each other
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