Masih Alinejad is a complicated liar and a proven charlatan.

She has a blatant history of falsehoods, mischaracterisations, Islamophobic remarks and despicable commentary. All of which she has gladly done while acting as a mouthpiece for the US.
The US uses Alinejad in a very peculiar but extremely common propaganda tactic, the use of diaspora exiles to promote an evil view of foreign nations, and demonise a region.

Alinejad plays this role quite well.

See here, for the example of Afghanistan:
There becomes an incessant need to build a narrative of oppression, which will need to be alleviated.

Wherein the consent is required of the western people in order to apply despicable sanctions which starve the people they are trying to save, or murder them through occupation.
It's one thing to protest for and promote the important issue of humans rights and especially women's rights in a region where there is difficulty in achieving both, but the methods Masih uses are faulty and wrong.
One can protests patriarchal cultural standards or demand reforms to laws, without demonising a nation, demanding cruel and inhuman sanctions be applied or strengthened, or that other countries invade Iran.

All of which Masih Alinejad has done at some point.
Masih and her audience focus on the issue of the hijab, not because it may be an important issue, but more-so because the west knows about it.

Westerners are more familiar with the hijab and more openly condemn it as a symbol of oppression.
So while Alinejad can focus on the Myriad of issues which surround women in Iran, from poverty, through ownership issues, education, freedom from violence, she chooses to focus on the hijab, because her target audience connects with it more.
Alinejad knows that only pressure from the west through these actions will entice any sort of change in Iran, because when the west acts, it's primary method is through the implementation of sanctions.

From Richard Nephew, the former top White house official on sanctions:
Nephew takes an enormous amount of cruel glee in the fact that Iranians are being plunged into poverty through the US

He says the US deprived ordinary Iranians of purchasing power "as a deliberate way of prying apart the regime and the people."
They made Iranian men and women suffer, so that they could somehow revolt against their own government.

These are tactics that Alinejad both promotes and supports. You can see that openly, given how much she cavorts with those who demand and implement sanctions on Iran.
Oh and yes, the old women to Masih's left is Madeleine Albright, the former Secretary of State, who, when told that US sanctions had starved hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children to death, said that it was "worth it"
Going back to the original claim that Alinejad was a liar and a charlatan, let's go through some quick examples.

Calling for the WHO to 'intervene', as if calling for America to do so on the daily basis like she usually does, wasn't enough

She's not telling the truth here, btw
Suing Iran to the tune of 500 million USD, for "Harassment", was one of the more kooky things that Masih did. The fact that this wasn't tossed out of court on day one isn't surprising, given that she's filing the case in the US, where anything goes as long as it's against Iran.
Masih's personal history has always confused me, given the amount of horrid, but completely unverifiable stories one finds when you read about it.

Claming that she had been forced to engage in temporary marriages with 'elites' when she was a journalist is just baffling.
One of Masih's primary tactics is to encourage people inside Iran to video tapes themselves breaking various law, in order to draw the ire of the LEA's, so that she can broadcast how evil the security forces or the police officers are.
Like the woman who claimed she was a nurse that saw hundreds die from covid, back wehn Iran was claiming very few deaths because they were blocking Nurses from telling the reality of the situation.

It turned out that she wasn't even a nurse.
In her own book, which she edited, but thankfully we have an original copy of, she says she wasn't actually arrested for "activism on women's autonomy" but for 'political' reasons. Not too sure what that's supposed to mean, but there's some other interesting stuff in here.
Stuff like the fact that her jail sentence was 1 month (not 5 years), with no mention of any lashing sentences contrary to her claims.

She also didn't start campaigning against the Hijab until 2012, even when she left Iran in 2006, she seemed to be still wearing a cover.
In the same extract she claims the Chador and the beard were mandatory following the revolution.

They were of course, not. I'm sure you might know, but if you don't, here's my favourite bit of evidence. The Persepolis football team in the early '80s, the later '80s and '90s
There's the time she lied about one of her sources and under pressure, claimed a random person was the source. This is a really bizarre story that indicates how she will jump at or embellish the first sign of negative news without checking it's accuracy.
In this interview, it's quite clear that Alinejad does not even know the name of the person she's trying to make a story about, Ahmed Khatami or Mohammad khatami, it's all relative I guess.

Pity the story wasn't true.
She claimed that Parvaneh Salahshouri, a female politician, had an exclusive interview with ManotoTV, a US and Saudi funded channel full of Royalists, propagandists and regime changers to reveal all the evils of Iran. Salashouri herself refuted this.
Side note: Masih Alinejad is a Manoto Regular. Given it's high level connections with the US government, it's not difficult to imagine why.

Manoto is a funny little site, because when they make mistakes, which is typical, they double down, instead of retracting.
Here, they posted old footage of some thieves who were arrested by criminal investigation police and their confessions were broadcasted on Iran public TV, but Manoto recast it as them being innocent protestors captured by the government
They ran a poll asking if Iranian wanted to normalise relations with Israel. 70% said no. They deleted the poll and replaced it with a fake one with the exact opposite result.
During the eponymous 'White Flag Protests', which Maish organised, she took a profile belonging to a random Iranian woman and proclaimed, without permission, that said woman was taking part in the protest.

The parents of the girl came out and discussed this further. more here
Masih has a deep personal hatred for Islam, Muslims and in particular uses the Hijab and western perceptions of it to attack the former. After the Christchurch shooting, Jacinda Arden wore a hijab in solidarity with victims. Alinejad viciously attacked her
Oh yes, I suppose the primary focus of this thread.

Alinejad is quite literally paid by the US government.

Keep in mind, VOA is owned, operated and funded by the US government.
This is an open secret, but the fact remains that media groups and organisations tend to forget about it when bringing her up for interviews or to give speeches.
An anti-Alinejad placard from Tehran univeristy, a hotbed of anti-establishment rhetoric inside of Iran
Oh, yeah, almost forgot.

Alinejad really wants to see her parents again.

Despite insulting her mother for her lack of education and saying her father disowned her and calls her a traitor.
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