So let me get this right. Men rape, murder and assault us at one end of the spectrum. And speak down to us and put us ‘in our place’ as a daily occurrence. But not all men so stop making their feelings hurt? How often do you call out men? 1/5
The night when I was with 5 men. And a man ran past said ‘nice arse’ and slapped it. 5 men said nothing. What about nights out. Too many. Where men won’t leave me or a friend alone. Their mates stand around laughing. 2/5
What about the insidious ways? Ways we can never prove. When I spoke up amongst a group of men in business, no different to what they have. And got pushed out of the group. How many times have you called a woman at work names behind her back? Bossy? Ball breaker? Bitch? 3/5
What about the night when a friend made ‘jokes’ that he could see made me uncomfortable. They all could. Not one man said anything. Later that ‘friend’ dm’d me to call me a hypocrite bc I called him out on sm. He called me all sorts of things. ‘Friends’ know. They say nothing.4/5
What about every sexist/racist/shitty joke told that no one ever called out?

What about the friend who assaulted me? Friends and relatives know now. They are still his friend.

Stop saying not all men. Start calling all men out. 5/5
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