To circle back to American History X, and what a propaganda piece it was... California (even as presented in the movie) had totally screwed over families like Derek Vinyard’s.

Yet, it’s clear that HE is the bad guy.

Not the liberals who allowed crime to run rampant... 1/
His dad is framed as an evil racist, when the guy was murdered doing his job.

His brother is wicked for writing a paper, when he is defending a kid getting beaten up in the bathroom.

The message was: you deserve to be murdered because you had wrong beliefs.

In the film suggests that maybe the state or government should be taking care of its citizens by promoting jobs or controlling immigration or stopping crime.

The message is: “serfs like you will kill each other. Oh well. If you become angry, you’re incredibly wicked.”
I’m listening to a book about the decline of California, which is why I’m thinking about it.

California went from rich and prosperous to a crime ridden hell hole for all but the rich.

But Hollywood was quick to somehow pin this on the falling middle class.

Not lawmakers.
Talk about blaming the victim.

Oh well, the richies got cheaper gardeners.

I guess that makes it okay.
Also, there are a lot of former Californians in Hawaii. (And I’m not talking about the newcomers from Silicon Valley. I’m talking about surfers who jumped ship in the 80s-90s.)

I feel like they are still befuddled by what happened to their state.
The real message of American History X was people in the middle class should silently and humbly accept being pushed downward into the working and even underclass.

*Maybe* if they had the right beliefs, they could be accepted into the upper class’s lackeys.

Nothing more.
Oh, and the other message is that expecting laws to be enforced is “racist.”

(With the unspoken message that black people just can’t help themselves from robbing or murdering people. ...the message of our “enlightened” over class.)
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