I wonder if you can help me find something very obscure.

There was a pub on Queen Street in Glasgow called the Rock Garden, and they had pictures on the wall of rock artists.

They had this album cover or promo picture of some duo that I'd never heard of...
The name said something like Charles & Eddie, but it wasn't them. One of the names was Remy or Remo or something.

In the foreground was a slim guy looking at the camera, big 80s hair and maybe no top. In the background was a guy behind a drum kit, I think.

I remember him looking a bit like Luther from The Warriors.

You honestly will not find this band or whatever they were. Me and my pals would wonder who the fuck it was. Never anycunt you'd see in the charts here. Yet there they or he was on this wall.
Remo or Reno or Remi or something like that.
Fuck, it's got to be that, then, Remo is actually a drum kit brand. This poster said a name & Remo. Who fits that description? Need to find this picture. Maybe a drummer from a band doing an advert. https://twitter.com/NiceToWrestlers/status/1386080061321846793?s=19

THANK YOU! https://twitter.com/keeks_/status/1386081422906171394?s=19
This is him noo!
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