I’m definitely one of those weirdos who thinks it’s more or less nuts to not get the vaccine, and also thinks it’s more or less nuts to not return to essentially your pre-pandemic life once you do get the vaccine.
Maybe it’s just Twitter, but I feel like a heck of a lot of people are doing really bad risk assessments, in both directions.
Obviously, your circumstances may vary, If you are old or have a condition that alters your risk tolerance significantly.
I probably agree with this, to a certain extent. I was definitely thinking in the context of my own community in Virginia. https://twitter.com/ariehkovler/status/1386074823730794496
I’m certainly not going to do things that make other people uncomfortable—like refuse to wear a mask if other people want me to—be it people who haven’t been vaccinated or people who just have what I see as overly-cautious risk assessments. https://twitter.com/21law/status/1386075039183867909
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